Best Belize Beaches

Living up in 21st century I have met a ample of people and what I have observed after pondering so long is, that this world is full of two kinds of people one being the mountain lover and the other be the peach on a beach and nobody in between.

But when I show them the Belize beaches and the beauty lying by the coast majority of the mountain lovers turned into the beachy guys.

Belize Beaches be the beauty that can turn anyone towards them with over 200 offshore islands in which 20 of them be the inhabited Belize be the place to be mentioned at everybody’s bucket list.

Beaches in Belize City be the perfect match of golden and white sand land which looks like a dream at dusk.

Best Beaches in Belize

In the city of Belize there is beauty lying everywhere, there is serenity covering all of its coastline. All this beauty that one’s eyes just waits for ages to have a glance is all garnered as with the magnificent coastline of the Belize city that is hugging the Caribbean Sea which makes the beauty multiple at every Belize Beaches.

Beaches: Belize Beaches

People might have seen many beaches here and there in the whole world but Belize Beaches and the Beaches in Belize City be one of those finest and fantastic beaches that lays by the golden and white sand that every tourist pays to visit to have all its heart satisfied. All these offshore islands are just a boat or a plane ride away for the tourists to visit the heaven that God has crafted in here in Belize.

When it comes to list the best Belize Beaches this be the toughest task for anyone who have visited this city as at every step an individual takes here, he reaches to some other beach all covered in beauty. In all these beauties lined up the Placencia Peninsula be the place that every fam visiting Belize have already marked in his map. Being the longest stretch of Belize Beaches which is dubbed as the Barefoot Perfect beaches as this be the mainland and the most popular part of the Belize beaches and the most popular sea and sand gateway in whole of this country.

This Placencia Peninsula region covers the track of 3 villages in the Belize City which waves as: Maya Beach, Seine Bight and Placencia Village.

This list of the best beaches in Belize just keeps on going with the second entry bagged by Hopkins Village Beach which is located nearby eastern Garifuna village of Hopkins. This beach be a quite 5-miles long beach with all the way covered with coconut trees and the local people living there. This coast as well have ample of colourful guesthouses for the visitors here to live in. The water here is seamlessly clear and the atmosphere and surrounding here is all refreshing.

Half Moon Caye be another entry to these amazing beaches in the Belize City as these all can make your heart beat skip with such a beauty lying by the coast. This Half Moon Caye beach is all covered with white sand and clear water to be seen where your sight goes. With one half of this coast being a beautiful beach the other be a home of the red-footed booby sanctuary has been a dense forest on the outer side of this magnificent beach. Ambergris Caye be another perfect snap with a plenty of sand to just lie on and with the magnificent barrier reef being there just a half mile away.

Beach Resort: Belize Beaches

San Pedro Best Beaches:

This Ambergris Caye beach be one of the finest beach of the San Pedro. Here San Pedro best beaches one might not find rolling high waves but this shore is all safe for the surfers and the people who loves to swim in the endless ocean because of the low current. Here Docks be all live for the public for a timeline from 6a.m to 6p.m. Here the vegetation be in the role of the turtle grass that is found growing in areas nearby the shallow and calm sea.

Mar de Tumbo be the best beach here in San Pedro being in the southern part all peppered with coconut palms. Ramon’s Resort be another glory to be visited as this resort beach is all the way on the top of the hearts of the people who loves to swim in deep and warm waters. This resort provides with the best services and amenities to the visitors here making their visit a memorable one here at San Pedro.

Secret Beach, X’tan Ha Resort be some of the beauties that lies in the northern part of the San Pedro with the tranquillity not to be missed by anyone visiting the city of Belize and they enhances the beauty of the Belize beaches.

Belize Cruise Port Beaches:

This Cruise port located in the city of Belize be the place of garnering ample of attractions renowned as the World Class beauties and for the Belize beahces which people all around the globe travels miles and miles to have a glance of like the Mayan Archaeological sites of the Xunantunich, Altun Ha or Lamanai. The Belize Cruise Port as well are all surrounded with a quality wildlife adventure and also the best Belize Beaches to be at with it all being surrounded with lush tropical forest.

Best Beaches: Belize Beaches

All these attractions for the Cruise locators are all within the range of 53km to 126km from the cruise terminals so the people have to travel a bit for all these beauties to be matched with the eyes but the visitors can enjoy the cruise terminal and places nearby known as Fort Street Tourism village.


With so much to offer with the Belize Beaches should be a must to visit and to be ticked in everyone’s bucket list. People have been to places all over the world but here one can rest his soul to the warm sand and the quite cool breeze with all the ways surrounded with the shallow water and the supreme resorts to be in. one can enjoy all the cuisine here with the best being the sea food served. The wildlife here in the Belize Beaches be so rich that everyone is fond of the forest and the villages here as well.

With such a mesmerizing atmosphere here at Belize Beaches one can live here forever with all these beautiful portraits captured by the eyes. The city of Belize is also very rich in its vegetation and the quality and species of Flora and Fauna. It as well has a golden history to revert back to. This city though be small in size but the people here lives a life that others have a dream to live into. Such beautiful beaches remarks the peace that everyone should live for and here one can get the peace and rest that his heart is thirsty of.

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