Life is hell. It can be tedious, boring, and full of crap. But there are some moments in life when it all becomes worth it. To bathe in the light of the morning sun, an innocent smile from an infant child, a dear hug from a close friend, and perhaps heartfelt well wishes from the one you love. Are you confused and feel like you are going insane finding the perfect words to tell her on her Birthday? Are you afraid she won’t like it? Surely, she will. It’s coming from you, after all. Still not convinced? We have the perfect list of the best birthday wishes for your dearest girlfriend.
List Of Best Birthday Wishes for Your Girlfriend
But for budding relationships, having a perfect wish can feel like life or death; for them,
- Happy Birthday to you.
And I believe that the strongest of relationships require the fewest of words.
- Mi Amor, Happy Birthday for all the wonderful times we shared, to the kisses and hugs, to your undying love and support, and for a future together.
Do you not feel it still? We have more of where that came from. Here is our list of the best birthday wishes for your girlfriend.
- In sickness and health, in darkness or light, I promise to never leave your side; Happy Birthday to you, my love.
- I have never known love till I met you, now I never want to let go. Happy Birthday my love.
- To my end and my beginning, to the whole middle part, A very happy birthday to my dear girlfriend.
- This is your day, let’s celebrate you, my dearest friend, my only lover, a happy birthday to you.
- Beautiful roses may wilt and weather, the best of gifts may break and tether, but my love for you will be forever. Happy Birthday, Mi Amor.
- You are the apple of my eyes, the love of my life and the foam in my beer. Happy Birthday to you, my dear.
- A gift of love to my gift of a lover. Happy Birthday my dear.
- I would fly to the moon and then back to earth, catch the sun and put it in my back pocket, stop the earth from spinning, all so because I don’t want this day to end. Happy Birthday to you.
- To That special one, to my everything, to my sweetest love, I wish you many, many happy returns of the day.
- The star twinkle just for you, the moon shines to see you smile. The world turns so that you can live. Happy Birthday to you.
- You are the most beautiful creation of the gods above. Nothing even comes close! Happy Birthday to you.

Cringiest Birthday Wishes For Girlfriend
Most of these quotes are among the cringiest you can find on the internet (along with all quotes that are not a simple “Happy Birthday to you”). But so are most of the people sending these messages. If you cannot defeat the cringe, join the cringe. Be the greatest cringer there ever was; here are some best birthday wishes for your girlfriend.
- My only love, my only lifeline, my only light in this infinite pool of darkness, today is yours; let’s make this the best Birthday ever with the best birthday wishes. Happy Birthday to you.
- May this be the first of many more birthdays to spend together. Happy Birthday to you.
- Years may pass, birthdays may come and go, but my love for you will never die. Happy Birthday to you.
- Nothing is forever; even the stars above burst and form a dust cloud known as a super nebula. Or they could end up becoming a black hole. And eventually, the universe will undergo a heat death. Happy Birthday to you, love.
- Till death do us part, all my love, all my life, all my all, is all for you, I love you, Happy Birthday.
- I can be the best me; without you, all that is left is an empty husk, Many-many happy returns of the day.
- Each year brings us closer. Cheers till your next Birthday to bring us even more. Happy Birthday my love.
- There are miles to go before I sleep. There will be miles to go before you sleep. Together, let’s make it half a mile. Happy Birthday to you.
- You are the best person I ever knew and ever will. Not even the Gods can hurt you with me around. That’s why they make you beautiful with each year that passes. Happy Birthday to you.
- May you find everything that you wished for. I give you all my love. I am yours. Happy Birthday to you.
- I was an atheist till I met you. “How can someone be so beautiful?” I asked myself. “There has to be a god,” I told myself. Happy Birthday to you, love.
- Our love will never grow old, even when we get old. Together. Happy Birthday to you.
- Your wish is my command, wish me and wish for me. Happy Birthday to you, my only wish.
- You are the only thing I cannot afford to lose. I hope you feel the same. Happy birthday mi amor.
- The topsy-Turvy world goes down,
But I have you hold my hands.
Happy Birthday, give me cake,
It’s your Birthday, give me treats.
- Only the best for the best girl in the world. So, I give you only the best wishes for your Birthday.

Embarrassing Best Birthday Wishes For Your Girlfriend.
Birthdays are not special. Technically it is just like any other day, but what makes it special is the memories that it carries along. After all, life is just a string of memories. Nothing is better than an embarrassment to create an everlasting memory to laugh at once you are old. So why are you wasting your time? Get our best birthday quotes for your girlfriend and embarrass yourself and your girlfriend so that you wouldn’t forget. We give you the list of embarrassing best birthday wishes for your girlfriend.
- Today is the day my baby was born, not the baby that came out of me, but the mother of my future babies. Happy Birthday to you.
- Are you an angel fallen from heaven? Or are you the goddess beauty herself in a human form? I love you, my goddess. Happy Birthday, Persephone.
- Even Persephone hides from embarrassment when she sees your face. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. Happy Birthday, Aphrodite.
- Is it a bunny? Is it a peacock? Is it you Aphrodite? No, it’s my girlfriend *insert name*! And it’s her Birthday today. Happy Birthday to you.
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The Conclusion
What is the perfect Birthday? Is it when you have the tastiest food? Or is it perhaps when there are lots of people around you? Maybe it’s when you get a lot of gifts. And they let you know how much they love and care about you.
Gifts may wilt away, defeated to the test of time. But a heartfelt wish can stay in her heart forever. With this list of the best birthday wishes for your girlfriend, we certainly hope that you found the right words to tell her on this Birthday and all the many more to come. Don’t forget to let her know that we as well wish her a happy return of the day.
I don’t know what could go in a person’s mind when wishing someone a happy birthday. I’m no mind reader. But insecurities and anxieties are prone to us as human beings. Here is a list of frequently asked questions about the best birthday wishes to your girlfriend.
- It’s my girlfriend’s birthday today, but she is already fast asleep. Should I wait till the morning to wish her, or do I wake her up to do that?
Ans: To be fair, it is up to the girlfriend to decide if she wants to be woken up or not. Not everyone likes to wake up at 12 between a nice sleep to hear a wish and go back to sleep. (If you are anything like me, of course.) However, some people would absolutely adore you for remembering and wishing them on their special day. So ask her the next time.
As for now, if you don’t know what to do, I would suggest you write a well thought out message on a greeting card or a white paper and put it somewhere it would be the first thing she sees in the morning. Like under her pillow or under her phone (I am sure they will check their phone right after waking up.)
If you are in a long-distance relationship, you could text her a well thought out special Birthday wish just for her to see when she wakes up. We have the perfect list of the best birthday wishes for your girlfriend for you to choose from. We hope you find them useful.
- I have been seeing a girl. We’ve been dating for a couple of months now. Her Birthday is coming up next week. Should I buy her an expensive gift or is it too soon?
Ans: It’s only been a couple of months. Common sense would dictate that you wait till her at least her next Birthday to bring out the big guns. But no one knows the nature of your relationships other than you guys.
If you can feel the connection and not simply for her, it wouldn’t be so bad to buy her an expensive gift to show her you care. However, how much a gift costs shouldn’t be that big of a deal. When it comes to choosing a gift for your partner, it would be best if you could find something that’s meaningful or somehow connected to your relationships. Almost all the time, this would not backfire.
- Tomorrow is the Birthday of my long-time girlfriend. But it’s her first birthday since we are living together. I have taken leave from my office. I want to give her the best experience ever. Should I cook a home dinner, or should I take her to an expensive restaurant? (I am a fairly decent cook)
Ans: A home-cooked meal always feels personal. If you can cook as well as you believe yourself to, cooking something that she likes can feel personal and deepen your bond even more. But so much could go wrong, especially when you are doing something this important for someone. Or you can be a lazy ass.
So, you can also choose a nice restaurant to have your birthday dinner. They may even sing her the birthday song, or you might be able to get a discount price for the birthday girl. Whatever it is, you must let the birthday girl choose the restaurant.
- What is the best gift to buy her on her Birthday? (I am single btw)
Ans: If you are single, to whom are you giving the gift?
- Me and my girlfriend has been dating for a while now and for my last Birthday she did not get me anything. I also feel like we are past it now. But I don’t know if she is expecting a gift or if she simply forgot the last time. What should I do?
Ans: If you are in doubt, just get her something but not so expensive that she might feel guilty for not getting you something. Relationships are not about your petty quarrels. Take her out somewhere and get some nice food. Food is the perfect gift for a loved one.
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