Paul Cox Biography

Paul Cox is the founder of very renowned Paul Cox Industries. Paul Cox himself is a complete artist and can also be called an inventor. Paul Cox Motorcycles are quite popular worldwide, and there is no doubt that they are differently built and are extremely stylish. The reason behind Paul Cox Industries popularity is its handmade building procedure; Paul Cox is the person who only makes six bikes in a year, which are completely customized with bare hands. Interesting right?

Here is all you want to know about Paul Cox Industries and its founder, who invented this masterpiece with his creative mind.

Paul Cox
Paul Cox– The man who built bikes with hands

About Paul Cox

He was born in Richmond, Virginia. From a very young age, Paul had got his interests in creating and building; we can say that from his very childhood, he had this inventory mindset, which later on created an absolute masterpiece.

There is an instance from his childhood that describes the vary exact moment from where he got attracted towards motorcycles. In 1976, he went on a trip to the Virginia state fair with his father. At the fair, he watched the ‘Wall Of Death’ in which a young man was riding a shiny Harley Davidson, round and round on the wall, clearly cancelling Newton’s gravity.

This scene made Paul abruptly shook but curious about the whole thing he saw at the fair. This ‘Wall Of Death’ was the moment, which got Paul hooked for life towards bikes. Paul’s dad also has buildings, a big hand behind Paul’s interest towards building bikes. Initially, Paul’s father used to take him to several customer car shows or events and also shared some of his own creations.

Paul had both his interest and focus on arts in high school, and for his further qualification, he went to the Virginia commonwealth university and studied painting, sculpture and illustration. In 1989, after completing his graduation with a bachelors degree in fine arts, he went to New York City for further experience and to find an outlet for his creativity and work. He also spent some of his time working in an advertising company, but soon he realised that these kind of jobs are not for him at all. So, he started storing antique stuff and continued painting. He exhibited his paintings in some art spaces and even collected a lot of appreciation.

After a while, Paul Cox started to built choppers and created some custom parts and leather sadders for other bikers in New York City, as in the earlier years, motorcycles were heavily in the fashion and quite trendy, and there were a particular community of bikers at that time.

Paul Cox
Paul Cox Artwork

Paul Cox discovered a bike shop named Sixth street Specials in the east village. This was the point from where he got his inspiration and grabbed his mechanical skills. The shop was pretty much famous among street bikers for its British and American bikes and some of the custom-built for the streets and Manhattan’s black alleys. Cox used to spend enough of his time in the basement of this shop, exploring and learning about several different parts used in a bike.

Overall, he spent a good amount of time learning about things he needed to know and the things he was interested in. Also, this shop, Sixth Street specials, was where Cox became friends with the reputed great engine builder and mechanical artist, Indian Larry.

Nearly 1992, he discovered another shop named Psycho Cycles and because of his passion and interest in creating and building, soon he got hired there as a fabricated and mechanic; along with this job, he also managed to take some of the space of this shop’s basement on rent to run his small but growing leather business simultaneously. While working on this shop, Indian Larry and Paul Cox became close friends as they worked day and night together, creating and experimenting with the mechanism of different bike parts and mostly the engines.

Paul joined Indian Larry and his other extremely talented friends in 2000 to form Gasoline Alley in Brooklyn, New York. In 2004 Indian Larry, unfortunately, passed away in a horrible accident after which the shop ‘Psycho Cycles’ got renamed as ‘Indian Larry Legacy’. Being a partner of Indian Larry Legacy, Paul’s primary focus was on building complete structured bikes, and along with this motive, he also pursuit his leather business and unique creative work.

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Paul Cox Industries

Around 2007, He decided to expand his artistic discipline and started Paul Cox industries. His company, the Paul Cox industries, primarily work on experimenting with metal work as his interest and his inventory mindset and artistic creativity make it unique. He started to passionately experiment with different techniques and creating handmade engines, leather, knife and his speciality of building these unique motorcycles, which are one of a kind.

Paul Cox
Paul Cox– An absolute artist

Although, Paul not only builts motorcycles but also knives and leather from his early days.  Undoubtedly we can say that Paul Cox does nothing ordinary. The leather and knives he created are also uniquely designed and customed. The leather designed and the style of his knives are quite finely detailed and antique in their own way.

Paul Cox
Leather Designed by Paul Cox

Paul Cox Motorcycles

At his studio in Brooklyn, Paul Cox hand-hammered everything he needed to create and built for a bike. He used to make everything by hand, from metal sheets to gas tanks, from the engine to leather seats. Cox builts up to four to six bikes a year, completely based on the client’s preferences and priorities; in short, Cox’s speciality is to fulfil customers desires for their chopper, and his bikes are completely customized as the client prioritizes. These customised bikes take almost 6 to 24 months to be completed.

These choppers designed by Paul Cox are undoubtedly unique in their own style. These choppers look antique and differently built with shiny paint and the box design, precisely giving gangsta vibes. These choppers are rarely seen on the roads as they are always limited edition and only made when customized.

Paul Cox
Paul Cox motorcycles- The one of its kind

To Conclude

After reading all this information about Mr Cox, we have concluded that he is an absolute and legit artist. His art of creating and building things is magically unique and, at the same time, antique. We can say that his mentor was Indian Larry, who took him towards his journey of chopper making and executing experiments with engines. Although there is not much information about his personal life as most of the artists, do not prefer to publish. I hope you find this article informative and useful.

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